Wednesday 25 September 2013

Conte Crayon: Chinatown

Conte Crayon
Chinatown, Singapore
This piece was done as an assignment in Sec 2 when we were just being introduced to conte crayons. We were brought to Chinatown to take photos, and from those photos, choose one to replicate in this medium. I chose mine mainly because of the subject matters and the contrast in the photo, since this work was to be done in black and white, I felt that having a contrast was especially important.

I felt that I had done a okay job:) It felt more impressive then, perhaps due to it being a new medium to me, and the size of this work. But as I look at it now...I think that there are still quite a few areas I could have done better in. Such as the blending of colours (the way I blended some of the grey areas made the work seems kind of..dirty..), and also the details of some places (The letter boxes were not done very well, as there were a lot of reflections, but it can definitely be worked on).

Generally, I felt that this medium was quite fun to use, it really made me take note of the contrast of subject matters. I do want to use this medium again in the future:)

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